Tactical Resiliency Wellness Workshop

This workshop is designed for an agency to foster emotional wellness of their agency members. Federal Grants are perfect for this type of event.

Resiliency and Wellness

The Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Office in California recently brought Tactical Resiliency USA to work with 10 Deputies, each involved with significant critical incident stress over their careers. The average officer in the class had 8 critical incidents with a stress load of 8-10 on a 0-10 emotional pain scale. All report calmness and sleep and 0s across the board.

The agency hand picked their members to attend based on their involvement with critical incidents.

When you reset the nervous system it is healthy for the body as it regulates emotionally, and your chemistry starts to regulate with stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline.

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Neuroplasticity occurs in real time and can be observed with QEEG pre and post interventions.

The Trauma Resiliency Protocol (TRP) for Post Traumatic Stress and Acute Stress and Peer Rescue Protocol for Critical Incidents or Post Traumatic Stress or Significant Negative Emotions are two very powerful interventions.

The Cost for this program is $10,000 per day and we will work with up to 10 per day. Expenses must also be covered.

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